Image source: Photo by Craig Dennis on Pexels
Another day, another day older.
I went for my speed interval run after lunch, which today was a guided Nike Run Club run where you run at a faster speed for one minute and then a recovery run for one minute for a total of 16 minutes after a five-minute warm up. I try to jog every other day, and then on my “off days,” I go for a 20+ minute walk. It’s not a particularly rigorous exercise routine, but it does keep the blood flowing.
As I wrote about in a previous post, I’ve been trying to better myself by doing a 5K running program, something that should be easy on beginners. Up until today, it has generally been easy for me. I typically will only go as fast as my body allows me to go. But today, today, I was really feeling the run. Even though I didn’t go all out, my joints are now aching and my body is just straight out fatigued.
My doctor (not the rude physician’s assistant I saw at a recent visit) said at my last yearly physical that I’m still young. “You’re not yet 50, you’re still so very young!” Well, on days like this, I don’t feel that young. It was a feeling that really hit me as I was scrolling through TikTok. I paused by a video where some Gen X dude was battling it out over pop culture trivia with a Millennial and a Gen Zer. The Gen X dude was kickin’ ass! I was so proud to be a part of the smartest generation…that is until I saw that the video was an ad for AARP!
Yeah, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, maybe I’ll just hop on over to iHeart radio and check out what’s on the Classic Rock station. That’ll make me feel young again, right? What’s that? Oh no. Oh no, no, no. Not Eruption by Van Halen. Not that! C’mon, classic rock is anything from the Stones or the Doors. Maybe Jimi Hendrix. Well, nope, apparently classic rock is now anything from 80s hair bands.
I could sit here, with my head in my hands, and bemoan how the music from my middle school and teenage years now populates the classic and soft rock stations (there’s even an 80s elevator music station on Spotify) and how when there are retro-theme days at my daughter’s high school, it’s very likely to be 80s themed, horror of horrors. I could do that, but my aching back won’t let me lean down that far.
No, what I’m going to do instead is finish up this post and go scroll around some more on TikTok to take my mind off things. Surely, TikTok is what the young do, right? Nope, according to my daughter, TikTok popularity is waning for her age group. I’m not sure what has replaced it. I can’t yet get that out of her, but that’s probably because I’m too old.