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Writer’s Block

Today, I’ve written three blog posts for work, and now I’m just about all written out. I’m staring at this blank Google document and thinking about what I’m going to write for this evening’s blog post. And I’m coming up…


So, I will just sit here and type about me sitting here and typing to see if I can push through that writer’s block. And, I will Google about writer’s block. I really love how the first sentence of the Wikipedia entry states that writer’s block is a nonmedical condition. Man, I dunno; I really feel like sometimes this is an actual physical block, and my brain feels empty of any creative ideas, and I don’t even have the energy to string together any words.

But, will you look at that, even with all of that blocked energy, I still managed to eek out 126 words. And here are 26 more.

Of course, the key for a short blog post and writer’s block, for me anyway, is to just sit down and start typing. I’ve now written almost a full blog post, and I thought I had nothing in the gas tank when I first sat down at my computer.

You could always search on Amazon to look for a book to help you with writer’s block -- there are only 8,000 (!) entries for your perusal. I think it’s a bit ominous when the first book in the list is called, Dear Writer, You Need To Quit, which is only book one in a series.

I think that’s my sign to quit, for today anyway. Tomorrow is always another day, and it’s the day that begins my weekend break from blogging. Sometimes, what you really need to overcome that creative block is to just take some time away from looking at your screen.

Share your tips for overcoming writer’s block in the comments below.

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