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Vaccination Time

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

This is going to be a fairly short post. I’m trying to keep up with my two blog posts per week schedule (except when I’m on vacation), but I’m feeling pretty rundown today. Yesterday, my husband, daughter, and I got our flue and Covid vaccinations from a local CVS.

I have some local soreness in my arm, but I was hoping not to feel too many side effects. Today, I just felt tired, but I’m hoping that goes away soon.

We had missed the flu/Covid vaccine shot clinic at my daughter’s high school, but it was so easy to make an appointment online for my entire family for a clinic that was just a few minutes away from us.

I try to teach my daughter about caring for your community and for your fellow human beings. It makes me so sad that vaccinations have become politically polarized. Public health should not be a matter for the right or the left. If you can get infected with a disease that you can then pass on to someone else, it’s a matter of public safety to do all that you can to avoid that infection and to avoid putting strain on your healthcare system if you do get sick. And the easiest way you can do that is to get vaccinated.

It took us minutes to make an appointment, minutes to get to the appointment, and minutes to get the shots. The shots were almost painless, and aside from a few minor side effects, I’m feeling no worse for the wear. I am glad that I’ve now done my best to protect myself against the seasonal flue and to protect myself against the still-swirling Covid virus.

Why not check out how you can easily get your yearly flu and Covid vaccine?

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