Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels
I have been laid up with a terrible cold these past few days. It began last Thursday, when my left nostril began running like a faucet. I thought, hm…, tree pollen is high today, so please, please, please, it has to just be allergies. Of course, that evening, I had no energy, and I called down to my husband and said, hey, can you take my temperature? My eyeballs feel hot.
It was then, that I knew that this wasn’t just allergies.
After taking a few tests, everything was negative on the COVID front. All that remained was to get through a few days of fatigue and god-awful sinus congestion.
I don’t know about you, but I’m a huge baby when it comes to having a stuffed-up nose. It’s just the worst feeling in the world, and it’s worse when you’re lying down and trying to go to sleep for the evening. And there are moments, when you wonder, am I ever going to breathe freely again?
Today was the first day that I could actually breathe through my nostrils. That moment, where you can take your first unencumbered breath after days of breathing through sludge is just such a blissful feeling. It got me thinking about those other moments when you let out a huge sigh of relief or feel that moment of Zen after feeling a bit awful. Here’s my list:
That moment when your head stops pounding after a terrible migraine. It’s like stepping into a cool aloe bath after the sting of a painful sunburn.
When you first lie down in bed after a long day hunched over your desk, and you can feel your spine unwind in relaxation.
When that popcorn kernel stuck in between your teeth that you’ve been tonguing for hours finally pops out.
When it’s hot outside, and you flip your pillow and feel the cool side on your warm cheek.
When you pull fresh sheets out of the dryer on a cold winter’s day and wrap them around your shivering body.
When the water that’s been stuck in your ear after a long bout of swimming finally spills out in a warm splash.
When you change out of your too-constricting work clothes after a long day and slip into your comfy clothes.
I could go on and on. And just thinking about these little things that feel lovely and make me happy has lifted my spirits that have been down while I’ve been sick.
What are the things that make you go, Ahhh?