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Submitting My Novel to a Small Publisher


Another week, another busy day of freelance editing. So many pages to complete, but I still managed to find time in the evening to submit my novel to a small local press.

There are so many ways to get your novel published these days. I have submitted, and will continue to submit, my manuscript to literary agents. I do hope to obtain a literary agent who can help me navigate the labyrinthine publishing industry filled with contracts and scammers. And I haven’t yet reached my goal of 150 rejections (I’m at four) before moving on to self-publishing. No, I’m not yet ready for that. 

But I recently attended an author salon put on by local publishing professionals, and I was so inspired by what they had to say about becoming a writer later in life. In fact, I was so inspired that I followed them on social media and discovered that they had started a local independent press.

I reviewed their site, and I found that they are specifically looking for those books that may fall between the cracks. I have found that my book is not a straight genre book. It’s part mystery, part fantasy and time travel, and part literary fiction (to my mind anyway). Given the publisher’s stated book desires, it seemed like they might be the perfect fit for my pitch. 

So, tonight, I have submitted my book, and my fingers are crossed. Of course, I may have jumped the gun, because I just found this checklist on Jane Friedman’s site for reviewing small publishers. The site does look professional, and I have seen the author events they put on, so I know that they are supportive of local and successful authors. 

My main goal, however, is getting solid feedback. The rejections from agents that I have received so far have been short form letters with no personalized feedback at all. This has left me wondering if my book is just not what these agents are looking for or if there are larger problems with the structure.

I will always be wracked with nerves as I submit my baby out for the world to judge, but I also feel inspired. Even if this small press rejects my book (which, given the odds in the publishing world, is highly likely), I am hoping to get some constructive feedback to go back to my book and improve it before submitting to agents again.

And so, my publishing adventure continues. Onward and upward!

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