Now that I’m back from vacation, I’ve returned to the daily rhythms of job searching and improving my skills. Today, after putting out several job applications, I spent some time working on an infographic, which I’ll include at the bottom of this blog post.
If you’re at all like me, you’ll start a project, realize that you need to shore up a few foundational steps, realize that there are some skills to pick up before you can get to those foundational steps, and so on and so forth. So something that I had planned to be a half-hour project ended up taking me most of the afternoon. I had planned on putting together an infographic, which I’ve created in the past. However, since I had always used a corporate palette and brand icons to make those infographics, I realized I needed to come up with my own palette. I have already been building my own set of icons over time, and it was easy enough to come up with new ones as needed.
I wasn’t sure where to start with the palette, so of course I used my Googlefu to find a helpful tutorial. This short tutorial from a branding consultant was super helpful and pointed me to the, a color palette generator. The basic features of the site are free, which is great. I was able to whip up a nice palette superfast.

Once I had that palette, I was all set to begin my infographic. I’m mostly having fun with this graphic and testing out the palette and my icons. There are of course many other things that I do during the day (chores, walks, shopping, etc.), but these four things are helping to structure my day and helping me to stay focused not only on the job search but also on improving myself generally.
If you’ve been laid off, what are the tricks that you use for staying on track?
