Well, we’re at the end of our vacation, and I’m definitely ready to go home. I’m looking forward to being in my own comfortable bed and eating my regular meals. The rich foods that we indulge in during vacation are lovely and delicious, but you can only eat so many of them before you start feeling sluggish and sleepy all the time.
I love exploring new places (even those places I’ve been to before but haven’t yet fully explored, like New Mexico), but I am ready to indulge in my regular creature comforts. Vacation days are always needed in that you need to see the world through a new perspective, but I suspect that many of us are creatures of habit, and after a while the newness of everything becomes overstimulating and you just want to get back to the things that you know. I know that there are people that need to constantly feel the adrenaline rush of something new, but that feels exhausting to me. It seems that you would burn out your internal wick a lot faster that way, but I know that we’re all wired differently.
By this point, I will have written 33 blog posts. Looking back at my blog’s history, my regular schedule seemed to have been about 2 blog posts per year up until this year of the layoff. So this is an amazing record for me! I’m hoping to make this writing, along with my art and fiction writing, a regular habit even when I go back to full-time work.