One of the things that I’m really loving about freelancing at the moment is the variety of projects that I’m getting to work on or investigate. So far I have edited business books about writing better business books, I’m learning about the history of Jewish autonomy, I have improved the writing of translated Chinese audio dramas, and I have tested on fiction about a painter having his house cleaned. It’s quite the change from the editing I had been doing for the past 17 years, which had been focused on technology research.
Now, that wasn’t as boring as it sounds. Technology evolves, as did the content I edited. I started out editing healthcare and government technology research, and over time that changed to application development and delivery, to business-to-business sales enablement, to customer experience, etc., etc. Because technology touches everything in the business world, I was able to edit a wide variety of content. And all of that was different still from how I originally started out in publishing, which was in the world of continuing education for registered dietitians, nurses, and dentists. After that I moved into reporting on networking and communication design systems and finally to radiology and diagnostic imaging before moving on to technology research in general.
I have worked at publishing houses that put out magazines on the pulp and paper industry, embedded technology systems, gaming, and even pig farming. It’s really wild to think of the unimaginably wide variety of topics and content that people write, edit, design, and publish for. And I love it all, really. Each and every one of these topics can be improved to be clearer and easier to read.
I am getting paid to read and to be forever learning, and it’s really an exciting place to be in my life right now.